Since 1985
Proud Advocate for the United States Constitution and Supporter of the Convention of States www.convention of states.com
Peace through Strength; Chaos through Weakness
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good people to do nothing"


CH Szizlin's Hold Yer Fire ROM x CH Copper Creek's Let It Be JH
OFA # Not Clear AKC DNA # V313128 DOB: March 15, 2002
March 15, 2002 - May 11, 2015
"A Do-It-All Kind of Girl!"
Faithe was the only survivor in Libby's second and final litter of what was to have been five puppies had Libby not developed an infection - hence Faithe! Faithe for years was Bruce's favorite personal gun dog - she did it all. She only had "on the job" training, but had a great nose, staunch point and pretty solid retrieve. She earned her VC on August 1, 2009 with almost no training because she is such a natural (well, we had to do just a little of that obedience work for that piece of the puzzle, but she loves working - and she caught on really quickly)! Faithe was not shown or bred because she did not pass her hip clearances. She was such a wonderful addition to our family, and we are so honored and lucky to have shared our lives with her. It was a privilege to be part of her family, and she was always Barry's favorite! Whenever we needed a dog to do a public "Meet and Greet", Public Education or a therapy dog visit, Faithe was our "go to" girl! Faithe was an unmatched and fabulous breed ambassador. She was always up, wagging her tail and loving life! her favorite move was the vertical jump, four off the floor.

Faithe at 10 1/2 Years
Young Faithe

Puppy Faithe