Since 1985
Proud Advocate for the United States Constitution and Supporter of the Convention of States www.convention of states.com
Peace through Strength; Chaos through Weakness
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good people to do nothing"


CH Szizlin's Soar'N Pfalcon JH ROM x CH Copper Creek Abbey Road JH ROM
OFA # VZ5874E36F-T AKC DNA # V387383 DOB: June 1, 1995
June 1, 1995 - November 17, 2009
"A beautiful girl in every way"
At the 1996 VCA National Events, under judge Marjorie Martorella, Libby was handled to Winners Bitch & Best of Winners from the Bred-By-Exhibitor Class by her breeder/owner, Carol Vola. Three years later, Libby joined our family after Carol Vola's tragic and premature death from an aneurysm. Libby was a stunning, gentle and sweet girl who was plagued with grief over the loss of her mistress - which led over time to issues with her health. While healthy, she had two litters and was a great mom - her first litter, which was bred posthumously by Carol Vola in 2000, was out of Sunny Boy; that litter produced a bitch named Nellie who went to Carol Vola's sister Patty Dahlinghaus and her husband. They are proudly and successfully carrying on the line of Copper-Creek Vizslas, Reg. Libby's second and last litter resulted in one live puppy via C-Section (our Faithe) out of Wyatt - the other pups in the litter had succumbed to some kind of systemic infection. It is quite amazing that Faithe survived in this toxic environment, hence her name! Libby was a very sweet and gentle girl who could throw her blanket in the air and cocoon herself like no other! She loved being with the other vizslas, got along with everyone and they loved taking care of her! Libby is from Pfalcon's second litter, but Abby was the first bitch with whom he had a natural breeding - the two Carols and Gail Roach had a wonderful laugh at Pfalcon's antics strutting in the woods after this breeding. We miss you Libby - we only wish we could have given you what you really wanted - more time with your first mom.

Libby and Baby Sister Kestrel winning the Brace Class at the 2000 VCA Nationals