Since 1985
Proud Advocate for the United States Constitution and Supporter of the Convention of States www.convention of states.com
Peace through Strength; Chaos through Weakness
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good people to do nothing"

Summer 2019

Happy 13th Birthday

In addition to being one handsome and sweet dude, some really cool news from his family in December 2011: "Hello from Bundy and his family. Bundy had a great year and finally seems to have found his higher calling, other than being a great family dog. About 18 months ago we started volunteering for Guiding Eyes and we do home socialization of puppies bred to be seeing-eye dogs. About once every 6-8 weeks, we get a pair of puppies (usually labs) for 3-5 days, which we bring into our home. Bundy is an incredible puppy companion. He plays with them, sleeps with them and lets the pups climb all over him. It would be a lot more work for us if we did not have Bundy to occupy the pups. I am attaching a photo of Bundy with a lovely brother-sister pair that we had earlier this month. He crawled right into their crate for nap time." Simply wonderful!